2016-06-21 22:54      Click£ºtimes' target='_blank'>SCR' target='_blank'>RIG CONTROL PACKAGE [J]• ..... Joton SCR rig controls are packaged as panel lineups for offshore applications or an SCR house on oilfield skid for onshore rigs. Joton electric designs systems for most complex customer reuirements and harshest operating conditions. Equipment selection and system design is done in compliance with ABS or Gl rules, per customer requirement. Typical SCR rig control package comprises : ,... Generator Control Panel Lineup (with analog or digital gen controls) ,... Field Supply Panels (for shunt wound DC Drilling Motors) .... ,... PCR Panels (with analog or digital DC drives) ,... Pressurized Driller 's Cabin with Console ,... Dynamic Braking Controls ,... Distribution Transformers ,... Air Conditioning System ,... Main Feeder Panels ,... EC Brake Controls ,... MCC Panel Lineup ,... Foot Throttle ,... PlC Controls with I 00% CPU hot backup, media redundancy, and HMI ,... Common Controls: Interior View of Righill SCR House Autoj Manual Synchronizing, Load Shedding, AC & DC Ground Fault Detection, Surge Suppression. TAG£º