SYD-508 Petroleum Products Ash Tester

2016-06-15 21:38      Click£ºtimes

This instrument is in accordance with the national standard GB / T 508-85 requirements "Petroleum products - Determination of ash," the manufacture, applicable to the determination of ash content of petroleum products, but not containing raw ash additives (additives including certain phosphorus-containing compounds) of petroleum products, nor to lead lubricating oil and used engine crankcase oil.

Technical Parameters:

1. Power: 220V 50Hz AC

2. Total power: 4.9kW

3. The use of ambient temperature: 10 ~ 40 ¡æ

Summary of Method:

Ash-free filter paper for core fire ignited in the appropriate sample crucible, and burned to ash and leaving residual carbon. And then heating the carbonaceous residue is converted to ash at points 775 ¡æ high temperature furnace, then cooled and weighed. TAG£º