Parts and repair

2015-07-15 11:28      Click£ºtimes
The Single Source Solution for your Parts Problem ...

We have over 20 years' experience of supplying new and refurbished Generator,' target='_blank'>SCR and' target='_blank'>VFD Controllers, Circuit Boards and accessories - our inventory represents all of the major Drive and generator Control Manufacturers as well all of the major component manufacturers in the drilling industries.  Our Customers appreciate our 24 hour Service, fast delivery and competitive prices.

Major Manufacturers Stocked and Serviced

Allen Bradley (AB)
Automation Direct (AD)
Baker Jacking Systems
Basler Electric
Baylor – Electric (Eddy Current) Brake Components and Controllers
Cooper Bussman
Ferraz Shamut 
General Electric (GE) Components and Circuit Breakers
Hill Graham Controls
Integrated Power Systems (IPS)
International Switchboard Corporation (ISC)
Louisiana Electric (LERS)
National Oilwell
Ross Hill Controls (RHCC)
Tech Power Controls (TPC)
Westinghouse Components and Circuit Breakers
Westcode Semiconductors 

Our Repair laboratories rival the most advanced facilities in the industry. Each is capable of testing and repairing practically any type and brand of control system used in drilling applications. Customized test fixtures assist our staff in the testing and repair of Drive and Generator Control Parts and the repair and Certified Injection testing of Circuit Breakers.

Additionally, our labs have the capability to manufacture replacement circuit boards for obsolete products to assist you in maintaining your legacy system.

Give us a call and let us know how we can help you keep your rigs up and running.